Rotary Honors Four as Students of the Month
The Rotary Club of Everett on January 17, 2023 honored four local high school students as Rotary Students of the Month.
Each month during the school year the club recognizes outstanding high school students in the city of Everett for their accomplishments and their promise.
Two students from Cascade High School were honored this month, including one for December delayed last month due to Covid issues.

Cascade High School Student of the Month for December is Timothy Shim. Tim has been playing varsity tennis for two years and worked hard to become an integral part of the varsity team. This year Tim serves as ASB vice president and managed the Cascade food drive. Under his leadership, the drive brought in 40,000 food items, $15,000 and 1,300 gifts for kids. Tim also volunteers outside school as a pre-school teacher for church. Tim’s favorite class in high school has been AP Physics. He enjoys the challenge and approaches all his classes with this same enthusiasm.

Cascade Student of the Month for January is Evan Macnow. Evan has challenged himself with a variety of honors and AP level classes and achieved strong AP test scores. He enjoys many interests, from playing guitar to assembling model crafts to 3D printing. Evan has been heavily involved in Cascade High School’s German Club and Tabletop Club. Outside school, Evan has worked as a crew member at Five Guys and most recently, as a partner at Starbucks. He has volunteered with the Mill Creek Foodbank and helped Paws with Cause by stocking animal adoption displays.

Student of the Month from Sequoia High is Stella Easton. Stella is a confident leader who passes all classes each term and has a positive presence amongst her peers. She plans to attend Everett Community College next fall and study business. A teacher said, "Stella is an amazing student and caring friend to her peers! She is determined and focused. She has passed every single class she’s ever taken here. I loved having her in my advisory – always cheerful, caring and hard working. She is responsible and reliable, and above of all, successful. Just like her name, Stella is a Star!"

Everett High Student of the Month is Maya Russell. As president of the Bibliophile Society book club, Maya is an exceptional leader. She comes to each meeting with slides full of discussion questions as well as literary games for the club members. An avid reader, Maya has consistently reviewed and recommended books for the library. She has been actively involved and taken on multiple leadership roles for two different choirs. Maya maintains an incredible 3.97 GPA with a schedule that includes numerous AP courses and Running Start courses at Everett Community College.