Rotary Club of Everett
President John Olson rang the bell at 12:02, calling to order meeting #5396 of the Rotary Club of Everett, our 43rd virtual meeting with 40 members in attendance.
He led the club in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Larry O’Donnell shared a story he wrote 20 years ago. The story was about holding your mother’s hand. A great story in time for Mother’s Day on Sunday, May 9th.
There were no visiting Rotarians. Fred Safstrom introduced Kirby Duncan as a guest for the last time. Kirby was being inducted later in the program.
Kari Petrasek announced that May 13th will be the next Happy Hour via Zoom Meeting at 5:30 pm. It will be a Spring Theme.
Kari Patrasek announced the Rotary International Convention will be virtual again this year. The special early bird rate of $49 ends May 7th. The RI Convention is June 12 – 16, 2021. Register today!  President John encouraged the Board Members and the members to register and attend the virtual convention.
Greg Lineberry, PE, stated he created a Google Survey for the members to indicate which committee he/she would like to be on for next year. He stated that there were other questions about meetings and program topics. The survey will take less than 10 minutes.
Anna Marie Laurence announced Scholarship Night is Monday, May 17th, 6:30 pm. It will be virtual via a webinar. A link will be sent via email. Mark your Calendars to attend!
Kelly Shepherd birthday was today, May 4th. She was $100 happy.
Cat Wilson had a birthday over the weekend. Her friends and she enjoyed a spa day and her family gave her a Glow Party at home. Her mother is staying with them. She was $100 happy.
Walt Greenwood recognized Betty Cobb, Everett Community College Board of Trustee, as she received an award and was recognized in the Herald. He gave $100 in her honor.
Sean Kelly had $50 happy and $50 ‘rage’ dollars. His daughter will be a freshman at American University. His son filled the gas tank with diesel so his vehicle was in the shop.
Amanda Overly was $50 happy - $29 for Kelly Shepherd’s birthday and 18 years of service in the school district.
Greg Lineberry gave $20 to let everyone know Jim Staniford is doing well after having surgery and to a quick recovery.
President John announced the winner of the most raffle tickets purchased was Kari Petrasek.
Wick Temple announced the winners of the prize packages. The Raffle was a total of wine fest! Wick distributed numerous bottles of wine to the following winners:
Package A – Mike Holcomb – Wine, wine and more wine
Package B – Anna Marie Laurence – Wine and wine
Package C – Walt Greenwood – Wine and wine and wine
President John welcomed new member, Kirby Duncan, and suggested he join a committee and become involved. President John also thanked the membership committee for their work.
PROGRAM:  Serving the Community During the Pandemic was presented by Joe Alonzo, CEO of Cocoon House. 
He talked about the agency empowering young people experiencing homelessness for 31 years. 
Factors contributing to homelessness today include the lack of affordable housing, loss of jobs and employment of primary earner, COVID impact, illness & med bills bankruptcy, natural disaster caused migration.
For teens, other significant stresses within families include stress at home, changes in family’s composition, domestic violence (72%), mental and physical disabilities, chemical dependency, abuse physical and sexual, gender identity, COVID complications unable to attend school, access to supported nutrition, isolation, depression, self-harm, and suicide.
Family and school hold things together. Putting together sustainable programs is very challenging. Eligibility is difficult. Cocoon House is working with various collaborators in Snohomish County such as HUD, VOA, Everett School District are working together to provide emergency housing and prevent homelessness.
Task force to be completed in May for city recommendations for affordable housing, to look for gaps, how to implement more services-, short- and long-term goals, need to apply the right resolution. Need for relational support.
Questions were about street kids, innovative solutions, prevention, types of services provided in the hub.
President John thanked Joe for his presentation and told him of speaker’s gift to Boys & Girls Club.
He reminded everyone to complete Greg’s survey 
Respectfully submitted,
Tammy Dunn and Barb George
Photography Submitted,
Tammy Dunn
Everett Jets FC, presented by Marco Mummey, introduced by Tammy Dunn