President Michael Kvistad started the 10th meeting of the year with the Pledge of Allegiance and into the 5,560th meeting of the Rotary Club of Everett.
In honor of Labor Day, Kevin Daniels quoted Thomas Edison.  “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.”
Past President Deb Wright joined us from Whidbey Island.
Tobi Eschauri was introduced by Janice Ellis. Tobi is our new incoming RYE student from Paraguay. The Miller family is the first host family. Tobi is a talent musician with a great voice and is enrolled at Everett High School.
Zeb Cobbs introduced his sister, Tina, from Texas. Tina is escaping the heat and mosquitos.
Polio in Gaza. President Michael informed us about the resurgence of Polio in Gaza due to the ongoing conflict. He was happy to report over the past weekend the WHO was able to vaccinate 161,030 children in Gaza.
President Michael reported there will be a celebration at next week’s meeting for Ralph Quaas who has been a member of Rotary for 60 years. There will be NO ZOOM next week in honor of Ralph.
Janice Ellis reported about the welcome BBQ at her home for our incoming RYE student Tobi Eschauri. The event was well attended, and all had a great time.
NEW Member Application: Cassidy Spencer, owner of Spencer Injury Law, has made application to be a new member. Her proposed classification is Personal Injury Law. She is nominated by Kari Petrasek.
President Michael would like to bring back Firesides, Fellowships and Guess Who is Coming to Dinner. He is looking for someone to head the programs up. Contact Michael for more information.
Kelli Thode is heading up a Blood Drive with members of Rotary, Rotaract and the Lions Club to try and meet the demand for blood donations.
Walt Greenwood has some new ideas for the PR committee and he is heading up a large group of members to make it happen.
Cat Wilson is firing up the “Student of the Month” starting in October. New ideas are coming.
Amy Norman announced her daughter, Delany, is engaged to be married October of next year.
Anna Marie Laurence visited Australia to celebrate her daughter’s graduation from Law School. While there, she observed Fig trees planted by Rotarians in 1907.
Zeb Cobbs. Bell ringer for his Birthday and Anniversary. Congratulations Zeb!
There was a reminder to donate more prizes to the Raffle Committee.
Winner Number 1 – Amy Norman selected wine and keychain
Winner Number 2 – Henry Newton selected Chocolates
Winner Number 3 - Glen Bachman selected a T-shirt
PROGRAM: Talonique Complete HR Solutions
Kari Petrasek introduced Lynette Jacobson founder of Talonique Complete HR Solutions. Lynette’s vision is to revolutionize Payroll and Human Resources Services for small and medium size business owners and is dedicated to empowering entrepreneurs and minimizing the burdens of workforce management. Talonique functions as a partner to business owners and provides necessary resources for pre-employment screening to payroll to tax and deduction administration and all the compliance details of employment. The complexities of compliance are growing and the repercussions of non-compliance can be severe, including the threat of lawsuits.
President Michael thanked Lynette for the presentation and adjourned the meeting.
Raedle Alburn – Schack Art Center Celebrating 50 years of Supporting the Arts.
President Michael thanked Lynette for a great presentation.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jim Schrader
Photography Submitted by,
Walt Greenwood