Rotary Foundation
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This Avenue of Service shall guide, assist, and inform members about their responsibilities in matters relating to our Rotary District and Rotary International.


The following committees are under this Avenue of Service:


RYLA/YAIL Committee

The Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA) and Youth Adventure in Leadership (YAIL) are district programs to help develop leadership skills among the young.   This committee will be responsible for recruiting youth to attend these two events.





Peace/Global Scholarships

This committee is responsible for recruiting a candidate for the Peace/Global Scholarship



Youth Exchange

This committee oversees the three youth exchange programs involving high school youth. They are: the inbound long-term program; the outbound long-term program; and the short-term summer youth exchange program.


RI Foundation

This committee increases the members' understanding and financial support of the Rotary International Foundation and informs members about events and exchanges, related to Rotary International Foundation Activities.