Rotary Club of Everett
President Michael Kvistad called the meeting to order at 12:04 pm and led us in the Pledge of Allegiance. This meeting was the 5,576th meeting of the Rotary Club of Everett and meeting #26 of President Michael’s year.
Ashley Bolden gave the Thought of the Day. A quote from the Courage is Calling book by Ryan Holiday. “If not you then who”.
Kari Quaas introduced Miles from Australia. He works in waste management.
President Elect Kelli Thode reported that in December 2024 31 units of blood was collected at the Blood Drive at the Everett Elks Club. There will be six blood drives in 2025. The dates are February 28th, April 25th, June 27th, August 29th and dates to be determined for October and December.
Ed Petersen, PP, announced that the World Community Service is having a fundraiser to raise $20,000 (goal) for the Literacy Project. The committee has raised $18,500 and is having a 23-day campaign to reach this goal. A brochure was handed out. Rotarians and others may donate.
Kelli Those announced that a Wednesday morning/coffee meet up will be held on the second Wednesday of the month at Vintage Café. The coffee meetup begins at 9 am.
Brian Hollinghead announced that the January Happy Hour will be January 23rd, 5 pm – 6:30 pm at the Obsidian Brew Hall, 1420 Hewitt Avenue. New location for January.
Another meetup at Everett Recovery Café on January 31st at 12 pm.
Anna Marie Laurence gave an update on the Ed Rubatino Scholarship proposal which was the Everett Rotary Youth Foundation passed. Two scholarships of $15,000 will be awarded to two students in May 2025. The scholarships will be 4-year scholarships for general studies. $510,000 of the donation will be placed in an Endowment fund with $90,000 will be used for scholarships over the next three years.
President Michael played a trivia game to see who was standing last. The categories were Travel by Plane, felt nervous presenting, read books in their free time, had a pet at home, won an award and lived abroad. Ed Petersen lived abroad the longest. He was the prize winner.
Neil Angst, PP, was happy that his Penn State Lions were in the College Football Playoffs and the Oregon Ducks were not.
Betsy Baker-Bold will miss meetings over the next two months as they are headed to Mexico and will be back in March.
Mark Valentine was happy that his West Virginia basketball men’s team was ranked in the Top 25. The team is #21 this week.
Kari Quaas was happy for a relaxing Christmas season.
Larry O’Donnell told a story about an Ohio State / Oregon Rose Bowl game that was 67 years ago. Everett’s Jim Lynden, tackle, played in the game.
Ralph Quaas was happy.
Liz Stenning booked a direct flight to Copenhagen. She has not been there for many years.
Ashley Bolden had a birthday on Sunday.
Michael Kvistad had a wonderful Christmas week without the kids.
Winner number 1 – Andy Hall, PP, selected the wine and Rotary visor
Winner number 2 – Larry O’Donnell, PP, chose the cookies and Rotary T-shirt.
Winner number 3 – Kari Petrasek’s prize was cookies and Rotary T-shirt.
Today’s meeting was a social meeting with the members playing a trivia game. The categories for the club’s form of “Jeopardy” were 21st century books, year in history 2024, Asian history, pop culture and take my chances. There were four teams. Team 1 – Ed’s Angels; Team 2 – 4 Guys & a Gal; Team 3 – Wildcatz; Team 4 – Know Idears.
The answer had to be in the form of a question. Ed’s Angels was to pick first and the Wildcatz stole the pick by taking “take my chances”. President Michael went back to Ed’s Angel for the second pick. Fun all around as 4 Guys & a Gal answered a pop culture picked a category and Know Idears stole the question’s answer. President Michael went around the teams to choose topics. Teams picked from the topics with enthusiasm. Answers were given and points were awarded.
Teams tried stealing the answers throughout and some teams were successful in stealing the correct answer from the team that picked the category. The winning team was 4 Guys & a Gal with Wildcatz coming in 2nd place, Know Idears taking 3rd place and Ed’s Angels coming in 4th place.
The winning team, 4 Guys & a Gal, were Betsy Baker-Bold, Larry O’Donnell, Andy Hall, Steve Juntwait, and Mark Valentine. President Michael is donating $500 to the Dajabon Literacy Project in the winning team’s name.
President Michael closed the meeting at a few minutes before 1 pm.
Bethany of the Northwest – Holly Huffman
Respectfully Submitted,
Tammy Dunn, PP
Photography Submitted by.
Walt Greenwood